Premium App Subscriptions: The End of Patreon? Discord are continuing their quest to support more bot features natively. They've recently take yet another step in this direction: Premium App Subscriptions...
Is This The End for Discord Bot Listing Websites? For ages, we got used to using sites like and DBL to add new bots to our Discord servers. However, Discord have just flipped the game with this new feature...
Discord Shakes Up The Rule Screening Game For ages, we have gotten used to ticking the box to agree to a new Discord Servers' rules. But today, that all changes...
Unlock Your Hidden Discord Stats: A Full Tutorial Have you ever wished for a comprehensive breakdown of exactly what you do on Discord? Here's how to reveal your hidden Discord stats!
Share Pretty Screenshots on Discord using ShareX Fed up of the blandness of taking screenshots with the default Windows shortcuts? Well, learn how to spruce up your screenshots with the help of a nifty little tool...
Your Sensitive Data is Being Stolen By LofyGang! LofyGang is a group of cyber-criminals who created a credential theft outfit by distributing 200 malicious packages and fake hacking tools on code hosting platforms such as Node Package Managers (NPM) and GitHub.
What’s that Padlock on my Channels? A Quick & Easy Fix only Pros use For verification protected channels, there's an ugly padlock for every one of those channels on your server. You're doing verification wrong, here's how to do it without the padlock.
Images in About Me: A Full Guide Using Emojis You can use emojis to display art, images, logos, on your Discord about me to make it look 10x cooler. Here's how.
Discord Profiles Now Publicly Show When You Joined Discord Discord silently released a new profile indicator feature that publicly shows when you created your Discord account. How useful or evil actually is it?
Enabling Discord Rich Presence For Adobe Apps: The Complete Guide Adobe Apps fail to show up properly on your Discord status. However, with this trick you can get beautiful detailed Rich Presence.