Revolutionizing Discord content.

The market for Discord and community related articles on the internet is boring. Here's what we and our 10K+ readers are doing to improve it. Join us in this journey and achieve with us what other publications couldn't.

Revolutionizing Discord content.

Thank you for your interest in joining the team. We are so excited to work with you. Keep in mind that the seats of these positions are limited.

As of now, none of the positions are compensated. We are not making any money from the website. However, we understand your content's value and we will soon be implementing Google Ads into the website. After the monetization of the articles, the team members will be paid their fair share.

General rules & requirements for all positions

  • It is expected from you that you have the basic-to-intermediate knowledge of your expertise. For example, if you're writing about Graphic Design, you must have the skills and experience required to write about design.
  • A test-run is required for all of the positions before you are given full permissions in the staff panel and workspace. More information is available on how to give the test in the application form.
  • We do not collect any information from our team members that we do not need. 

Apply for writer

Article Writers are the authors of the articles posted in the The authors may come up with their own topics or claim a topic from a private Trello board. After your test article, you will be added to the Trello workspace, a staff account in Netcord admin panel, and access to private staff chats in the Netcord Discord server.

Through this short application, we are looking for 5-7 article writers. Good luck!

Join The Team