You Will Soon Be Able To Decorate Your Discord Avatars w This Upcoming Feature

A new Discord feature leak has surfaced the internet once again. With this new upcoming Nitro only perk, namely “Avatar Decorations”, you will soon be able to customize your avatar with a profile frame. Learn all about it here.
What are Avatar Decorations on Discord?
Avatar Decorations are an upcoming Discord feature. This feature will allow Discord Nitro users to apply a frame, border, or decoration outside of their avatar.

This feature was first teased 3 months ago, and is still pretty unstable in development. This feature is confirmed to be Nitro only — unsure which tier of Nitro it is limited to.
The avatar decoration goes beyond the avatar area
It is worth mentioning that all of these avatar decorations goes beyond the typical round circle area and overlaps the surrounding UI.

So far, there does not seem to be any way to upload custom decorations.
Audience reaction is not good
From Reddit to Twitter, people are annoyed that this has to be another Nitro exclusive feature. That’s one half of the audience, the other half calls out the designers of it saying “the designs are awful” and calling Discord out for “being money-hungry” and “should work on actually useful features”. You know, the typical.
I personally dislike the current avatar decorations. I hope they are just placeholders. As you can see in the screenshots, each one is of a different art style. Which seems odd from a company so dedicated to their branding.
There isn’t much to talk about as of now. The feature is very early in development and it’s best if we wait for the feature to be fully out.
That’s all for today. Let us know your thoughts on this upcoming feature!
This article was published to Netcord HQ by Roonie. Join the Official Daily Dose of Discord server to continue this conversation, suggest new articles, or even write ones yourself!