Discord is Bringing A $5 Million Ecosystem Fund

Discord has been the foremost platform for communities of all sizes. With the release of Discord's API and millions of developers on the platform, we're bound to see some amazing Discord Development projects that revolutionize our experience on Discord.

To support such developers and start-ups, Discord is announcing their first Discord Ecosystem Fund worth $5,000,000 USD which will be distributed among the prospective developers, applications startups, and even Discord partners to fuel their creative energy across Discord.

On top of all the cool new products announced today for developers, we’re starting with $5 million dollars of committed funding for prospective developers, early-stage start-ups, and strategic partners to bring their creativity to Discord.

via Discord Blog

Thumbnail by Roonie

What is Discord's Ecosystem Fund?

This new Ecosystem Fund by Discord is the new way for them to support their platform's developers and partners. Discord states that this fund of $5 Million starting amount is 'coming soon'.

Discord Apps have been evolving with great measures across the platform. If you're interested in reading about it, here's an article from us.

Discord Bots Are Changing Drastically By 2023
Discord is upgrading how Bots work on their platform. With introductions to slash commands to the announcement of the final date to transition, Discord bots are drastically changing.

The builders of these apps – the developers, now have a new dedicated page for their work. And for Discord to encourage more developers to participate with their API and bring new Apps for the community.

Discord's new page for these information can be found at: discord.com/build.

Ecosystem Fund coming soon. via discord.com/build

What is this fund going to be used for?

From information we could find, Discord says that this fund belongs to the Developers and Discord Partners. But what exactly does that mean?

Discord also says it's going to be used to support, fund, and invest in prospective developers, early-stage start-ups, and strategic partners to bring their creativity to Discord.

Community Funds in general

If you are unfamiliar with the concept of funds for the community, here's what it is exactly and how you might be able to get a small portion of it.

You must be familiar with YouTube Shorts. When it first came into existence, creators on it couldn't earn any revenue through it. If you've been keeping up you would know that Discord developers now do not make any money from their apps.

Similarly, as a temporary solution, YouTube announced their $100 Million dollar fund as a way for shorts creators to earn a small revenue after getting a viral video on the platform. You didn't need to be monetized to earn this monthly shorts bonus which meant anyone from the world would be able to create content and get bonus with successful content.

On the other hand, Discord's temporary fund, the Ecosystem Fund will allow developers of successful and popular bots, and partners of influencing servers to earn a bit of revenue from their projects.

Next, by the time Shorts fund runs out, YouTube will have created a permanent solution to Shorts monetization using ads. And similarly, Discord will have created and rolled out their App Directory feature with premium options for servers and Discord bots/apps to earn revenue from them with built in subscriptions that your community and subscribe to. Cool right?

That's all for today, hope you enjoyed today's article. Make sure to join our official Discord server to discuss further on this topic or suggest new articles!

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