Discord is Working on Fixing The Android Update

We have written several articles about this topic. Users are self-aware that the new Discord update of the Android app is way too buggy, slow, and behaves in unexpected ways. This unexpected behavior is no coincidence however, as announced by Discord, they have scrapped the entire code of the Android app and successfully shifted to React Native as used in the iOS app.

"Since rolling out the new React Native Android (RNA) app earlier this month, we’ve been listening to your feedback and have made several improvements."

Notification of Hope

According to a Reddit post, Discord sent out a popup to several users on the Android app. They confirmed that they are listening to the feedbacks and are working to improve the app in the upcoming updates.

Image Source

With over 100,000,000 users using the android app, Discord is at a heavy loss in platform usability and community support alike. If we check the Discord Mobile React Native Updates on Discord Support articles, we can see that new improvements are being made.

"Please make sure your app is on the latest update version as our teams are actively rolling out quality of life updates and fixes on the daily for these issues. If you continue to run into any issues after updating, please reach out to our support team at dis.gd/contact so we can look into this further."
– reply by Discord to a feedback

Fixed Issues & Improvements so far

As of writing this article, Discord has fixed the following issues. They are updating this page as soon as new issues are fixed and new improvements are made. You can view the latest fixes and improvements yourselves by visiting:


The Survey

In the same page given above, Discord also seems to mention a Google Forms survey for additional feedback. Going to this link, however, gives us a Server Error with code 502. The form can be found at https://forms.gle/k2m4fSnu8q8N4td57

A server error from a Google service seemed unusual. I tried visiting the form using SkipDNS but it still shows the same issue. We are left with two options from here:

  • Either they disabled the form
  • Or the sheer amount of responses on the form broke it

The former seems more likely – what are your thoughts on this? They claim to regularly send updates but an invalid link doesn't look good for their maintenance.

Anyways, make sure you keep your Android app updated if you want to see the latest updates first. However, if you wish to revert the update and go back to how the app was before this update, read my article:

How To Revert The Latest Discord Android Update
The latest Android update for Discord introduced us to some questionable changes. Here’s how to bring back the old version and pretend this never happened.

That's all for today, hope you enjoyed today's article. Make sure to join our official Discord server to discuss further on this topic or suggest new articles!

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