Assign Roles Automatically With Special “Connections” Requirements With This Upcoming Discord Feature

Assign Roles Automatically With Special “Connections” Requirements With This Upcoming Discord Feature

A new Discord feature leak has surfaced the Discord community on the internet. This time, it’s more interesting than ever before.

“Role verification through passport” is a feature that will replace manual role assignment by moderators for complex requirement roles, and eliminate the need for 3rd party bots to work with other platforms for role assignments.

What is Passport Role Verification?

This is a new type of role assignment system that Discord is working on. With this, users will be able to verify themselves for special roles with complex requirements. These requirements extend the boundary of Discord as this is where you can add requirements from other platforms — you read that right, stat requirements from other platforms can be configured to automatically assign a role in your Discord server or community.

Screenshot showing configuration of automatically assigning role with requirement of Reddit stats. Image Source

Which platforms’ stats can I set as requirements?

Basically, the platforms include all the available options in your Profile Connections. Head over to User Settings > Connections to see which connections you’ve already made with other users and what all the available platforms are.

This is indeed very useful for a lot of servers.

Remember the “YouTuber” roles in Discord Servers?

So far, they have been assigned by hand by moderators of the server. You would have to contact the moderators, they would verify that you pass the requirement, say 10,000 subscribers, by manually going to your channel. Now of course, this wide use of social media roles is popular in many large Discord servers.

With this new feature

Custom requirements can be set through the role settings in the server. Not only does it save time for your moderators, you won’t have to go through the pain of answering mod mails or tickets requesting for the role, hours on end. With this, qualified users will be given it automatically — *assumed on the current state from the information through various sources.

Image Source

Twitter follower requirements? Possible. Steam achievement requirement in a specific game? Possible.

These feature will let you assign a role automatically to users that pass the requirement. And we all know how flexible that is. You can edit the permission of the role to make them view certain channels, grant certain permissions, etc.

From @DziurwaF on Twitter

Bots are just not it

You will never get this much flexibility and freedom of requirements with third party bots. Plus, you have to authorize the platform with their custom application. Would you rather give access to your account to Discord, or a third party bot. Not to mention, bots like this (if even possible) would be really slow or not as fast as Discord or the 100% automatic capacity.

Either way, I would love to know your thoughts on this.

That’s all!

What are your thoughts on this upcoming feature? Let’s discuss — here!

This article was published to Netcord HQ by Roonie. Join the Official Daily Dose of Discord server to continue this conversation, suggest new articles, or write ones yourself!