The Premium Memberships Feature on Discord Has Some Flaws

Discord introduced a new way for users and specified creators to monetize their community by allowing members access to paid, subscriber-only content.

The Premium Memberships Feature on Discord Has Some Flaws

Discord introduced a new way for users and specified creators to monetize their community by allowing members access to paid, subscriber-only content. The new trending feature of Discord is alerting users due to its shortcomings which will be explained in this article. Here is everything you need to know.

The new premium membership feature made discord offer easy monetization for projects/tools that the creators developed.

It’s important we make running Discord communities more sustainable

If you haven't read the article about the new feature, get yourself familiar by reading the article

Discord Server Owners can finally Monetize their servers
This upcoming feature will let users buy subscriptions to Discord servers.

Going Further

Taking a closer look at premium memberships made us do a little comparison and identity some flaws and elaborate on them in a way everyone could understand, and what is the alternative that you could use to boost your monetization experience.

  • Features
  • Experience
  • Split Percent


The Premium Membership tool helps us to differentiate between various tools you provide for your customers by allowing you to create something called tiers. You can create a maximum of 3 tiers only. 
It also gives you the option to make your entire server exclusive and allow access to only subscribed members or certain channels for subscribers.
It shows a well-organized view of the payment status of the members who have subscribed to your content.


Allows users to view the various tiers in a well-organized manner and provides us previews of how it will be if you're a premium subscriber (Role color/Badges/Channels etc.) This makes it easier for members to decide which tier to choose

A image taken from the Icons server

Split Percent

As every company does, Discord takes some of the amount for themselves that you make. In this case, they take 10% of what you make. So you will get 90% of the total money and Discord gets 10% out of it. We need to be a little happy about it as platforms like YouTube take around 50% of the money you make.

A Better Alternative

This is when Whop enters the scenario. An offer better than the current one by Discord. is a marketplace for anyone to transact digital products with ease. With Whop you could enjoy better options and customization to monetize your Discord server and other products.

Let us list out what it provides and elaborate on the same in detail. Although Whop provides marketplace environments for NFTs and Softwares, we will be focusing on what it does for discord communities.


Let us see in detail what's good for viewers/subscribers and owners

For subscribers and viewers

View and Access

You get to view a nice web page featuring the name of the discord community, along with reviews and feedbacks on how the community is. Like in discord, you can also choose various tiers if offered by the owner. When you proceed to buy you get immediate access to communities along with easy refund options within 21 days.

In addition to that, you can make referal links that discord doesn't have. A cool feature that could decrease your expenditure for free. You just gotta create a referral link and share it to your friends, and once they start using whop you will gain reward points.

For owners


A cool feature which discord already has, but a more detailed structure. You could get to see the active payments, and get back to members if they dispute the payment using this page.

Get to know your members

You get a good list of members who have subscribed or spent money on your community/project along with the trial period or their subscription period. In case you want to welcome them or contact them, then you could easily contact them via discord or mail through whop. You could also export the data with one click to save them for future reference or as public-data collection.

Various Statistics

You can view different statistics like Revenue per Membership, how many members are leaving, and members who had a trial subscription which was converted into payment after the end of the trial.

User Experience

Whop is a great website that gets each and everything in an organized manner. The subscriptions, statistics, members are made in a great way for owners to get to understand their subscribers and what they have, and what they need to do to keep  their business running and effective in earning money at the same time.

Split Percent

Just some minutes ago, you heard something sweet. Discord only takes 10% of the money you make, why not make the amount lesser than that? Welp, Whop only takes 3% of the money you make. Therefore, 97% of the money is all yours.

The reason that makes Whop unique is that, it provides a detailed data structure ranging from statistics to payments. Allowing owners as well as subscribers to get in contact with each other easily. With a wide range of customizable options and social media connections, it adds a finishing touch for running a business on Whop that sounds promising.

Concluding, Whop is a more efficient way for monetizing your projects through discord as well as other softwares. Are we trying to say that the premium feature made by discord is not useful? Not at all, it is a great feature brought by discord to sustain communities and maintain it. Just that, Whop provides a better monetization experience for everyone.

That's all for today, hope you enjoyed today's article. Make sure to join our official Discord server to discuss further on this topic or suggest new articles!

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