The Burst Reaction Saga Continues... Voice Animations in Calls

The Discord community doesn't run out of content talking about useless features. After the Discord Datamine update, where we found information regarding a feature called Burst Reactions, the entire community was rather un-pleased. Burst Reactions, according to the users, is yet another useless feature to add as a shiny perk for Discord Nitro.

However, this idea of tons of emojis bursting out on the screen, floating in your Discord app, does not stop with Burst Reactions. Discord has started rolling out yet another similar feature except for voice calls. You will soon be able to send any default or custom emoji on a voice call in a more ✨special way – by flooding the voice call participants' screen with your chosen emoji.

Voice Channel Effects

Discord wants to name this feature under a general category of Voice Channel Effects. It's hard to tell the current development status on this feature or how many users it has already rolled out to – but one thing is certain, Voice Channel Reactions did start rolling out.

In essence, this is a feature that's main purpose is to attract users to buy Discord Nitro. There's no shame in admitting that.

React with animated emojis in voice channels with the 😀button.

Here's what voice reactions look like in action:

Animated Reactions in Voice Channels | Image Source

The emoji you choose will start to appear and float from the button to the top of your screen and disappear. This will be visible to all participants of call. This is similar to Instagram or Twitter's reaction button in live streams, and Skype calls' emoji reactions in calls.

Spam Protection

A feature like this is bound to be exploited and abused with spam. So how can an average staff member of a Server moderate something like this? Thankfully for that, Discord will also introduce a new permission. Voice channels will now have the Add Reactions permission for each role.

Note that disabling this permission for a role will also disable message reaction permissions for the built-in text channel in the voice channel.

Additionally, it is assumed that someone without Discord Nitro will only be able to react with the default emojis of Discord. The main selling point of this feature being the ability to use custom emojis from different servers in any calls or voice chats. However, there is possibility of change right until this feature is announced to be available for everyone or on a 100% roll out.

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Burst Reaction or Voice Chat Reaction?

Do you think you would consider this a useless featue? Or would it make Discord more amusing to use for you? Join the conversation, let's talk!

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