Discord's App Themes Are Going To Be A Game Changer!

Every Discord user has at least once thought of a way to add a bit of color to their Discord app because we all know, lightmode and darkmode are not enough.

Discord's App Themes Are Going To Be A Game Changer!

App themes are the main topic that every Discord user thinks about. This is because of one reason. There are only 2 themes for Discord currently which are Dark and Light.

Thumbnail by Roonie

Using a Light theme in Discord can be a pain to your eyes sometimes. But some users used it because it was more familiar coming from Skype, and some experimented. The ones that stay mostly are just so used to it that going too dark mode just doesn't work anymore.

Why customize your Discord experience?

If we took all the social media platforms and bring them to the table, we can see that at least 25% of them have some kind of more customizable UI than Discord.

On one hand, we can say that this can be a technical used by social media developers to keep their active users more active.

Users have the ability to customize their user view on Twitter.

Discord is a place where you can your friends can hang out with each other and for some users, Discord is like their life. It can happen. So, if you are that kind of a Discord user, you must be tired of looking at the same theme for your whole life.

Here comes the game-changer!

Tweet by messyhunk featuring Discord's only staff theme color-changing option.

We received some leaked Discord screenshots that say show the option to change the theme. But it says clearly that it's staff only. But, If the Discord developer released it to the public, he can be a game changer to the platform.

A leaked screenshot featuring Discord's only staff theme color-changing option was posted by u/CleverB0T_2b2t / r/discordapp.

Here are some concepts about the themed user interfaces,

Concepts UI design by u/iingot / r/discordapp.

We can't 100% guarantee that this is an upcoming feature. But there are some talks going around the r/discordapp about currently this staff-only feature.

Final Thought

In our point of view, yes, this is a great feature for all Discord users. We'd love to see this feature getting released to public use for the whole platform. Let's wait until then :)

That's all for today, hope you enjoyed today's article. Make sure to join our official Discord server to discuss further on this topic or suggest new articles!

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