Celebrate Halloween with the Discord Community!

Well, it's spooky season again, so that means Discord has appropriately themed itself up! Let's take a look at how to celebrate Halloween on Discord!

Celebrate Halloween with the Discord Community!
Pumpkins are carved, ghosts are seen, the hour is here, and Happy Halloween!
Thumbnail by Roonie

Discord does something exciting every Halloween, and guess what, they did it again. For another year, Discord changed the call ringtone and the loading screen animation to something spooky.

New Discord Call Tone

Discord has changed the way call ringtones sound, and it's a bit scary to answer calls on the platform now. This new ringtone was created by Anamanaguchi. Should you want to, you can listen to Discord's official 6 Hours Extended Halloween 2022 Ringtone Remix on the official YouTube channel.

Discord's official 6 Hours Extended Halloween 2022 Ringtone Remix

According to Discord's official Halloween 2022 FAQ Article, the ringtone will be available from October 24, 2022, to November 3, 2022. It should be automatically available on October 24, 2022, at 11:00 AM PST.

This Halloween ringtone is only available for desktop clients, browser clients, and iOS clients. Unfortunately, it was too "eerie" for Android at the time, Discord noted.

How to disable this ringtone and revert to the default ringtone?

As Discord says, this ringtone will automatically activate on October 24, 2022. If you want to, you can disable this ringtone and reset it to the default ringtone.

Special Note by Discord: If you have the Incoming Ring setting disabled, this will also automatically disable the Halloween ring.
For desktop users, you can disable the holiday ringtone by going to User Settings > Notifications > Toggle off  "Halloween Incoming Ring".
Image from Discord's Halloween 2022 FAQ article
For iOS users, you can go to User Settings > Sounds > Toggle off "Halloween Incoming Ring" to disable the feature.
Image from Halloween 2022 FAQ article by Potato @Discord

Loading Screen Animation

Discord also released an unforgettable animation of the Discord loading screen for their authorized clients, which is eerie. This is a white version of the "Pumpkin Discord Icon" they use on their official Discord Twitter account, with an animated blurple flame.
You can see the full animation from the .gif embedded below.

Discord's Special 2022 Halloween loading screen animation

Celebrating Halloween in Your Server

There are, of course, several ways of celebrating Halloween in your own communities, and below I've provided a suggestions list if you're stuck for ideas!

  • Host a Halloween Movie Night
  • Tell horror-themed stories in a Campfire VC
  • Host a Halloween Scavenger Hunt where users must find and decipher clues that lead them to the prize
  • Add a Halloween theme to your server's branding: icon, banner, channel names etc

At the end of the day though, it is always up to you on how you choose to celebrate holidays like Halloween in your community.


Discord did a great job of making something remarkable for their users on the 2022 Halloween. It's always nice to think of "what Discord is going to release on the next holiday as a special?". And I think this year's Halloween special is a solid 9 out of 10.

That's all for today, hope you enjoyed today's article. Make sure to join our official Discord server to discuss further on this topic or suggest new articles!

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