How to Become Completely Invisible on Discord

Are you tired of being seen on Discord? Do you want to be invisible and blend into the background? Well, I have some great news for you – it’s actually very easy to do! All you need to do is set up an empty profile picture and empty symbol as your username.

Creating an invisible username is not as hard as it may sound. You simply add the special tilde character (~) into the Username or Nickname text field in your account. Discord is unable to display that character, therefore, giving you a blank username.
Once you’ve done that, you’ll be invisible on Discord! No one will be able to see your profile picture or username, and you’ll be able to blend into the background like a ninja. So if you're ready to become the master of invisibility, read on!

Setting up your PFP

Pfp (Profile Pic) is the main part of your profile. There are many ways that you can change them. We will look for the best way that may suit you.

Go to Google or any of your favorite search engine and search for blank PNG. Wikimedia actually make a file asset that is perfect for us. Or you can always download from us here:

Setting up Banner

This is a very easy step , for this you just need to paste a hex colour code that is same as the Discord Background.

Just copy this code and paste it in your profile.

Dark Mode  #18191C
Light Mode #ffffff

Setting up the username

Disclaimer: It may preview differently for some and for some it may not even work.

As stated above, we’re going to use special characters to get an invisible Discord name. The catch here is that Discord can not display these characters, so they appear invisible. We are going to make use of the Unicode character ‘1CBC’. This character appears as 1CBC in a box and is a part of the Georgian-extended font. But, it can’t be identified by Discord.

  • Copy the unicode character 1CBC below. To do this, drag your mouse cursor inside the quotation marks and select everything inside it and press ‘Ctrl+C’ (Windows) or ‘Command + C’ (Mac):
    "      ᲼᲼         "
  • Now, go to Discord and click on the gear icon beside your username to access ‘User Settings’. Under ‘My account’, press ‘Edit’ beside your username. Paste the copied character to the username text box (Ctrl + V on Windows, Command + V on Mac).

Setting up the status (Optional)

If you really want to go incognito, you can even turn off your "online status" and set yourself to "invisible" in your Discord user settings at the same time.

To manually set yourself to invisible in Discord, just click your avatar located in the lower left-hand corner of the app and select ‘Invisible’ from the popup box. It will remain active until you logout of Discord or manually set your status to something else.

More Ways to Go Invisible

  1. Remove Badges: Badges like your hypesquad badge are easily removable by going into the user settings > hypesquad > Leave the hypesquad. It is the only self-assignable and removable badge for us.
  2. Clear your about me: Your about me can be empty so it should be – if going invisible is your ultimate goal. Head over the User settings > Profile > About me.
  3. Clear connections: Your connections are another view blocking you from achieving ultimate invisibility. You don't need to disconnect the accounts, you have the option of simply hiding them from the profile. Head over to User Settings > Connections and hide any active connection.


But if you really want to become invisible on Discord, there's only one surefire way to do it: just disconnect your internet connection. That way, Discord will think you're offline and you won't show up in anyone's online status. Of course, this method comes with a few drawbacks. For one thing, you won't be able to use Discord.


Q: Will Discord ban me for using an invisible username?

A: Discord usually does not ban users for using an invisible username. However, you might not be welcome on several Discord servers, and moderators may ban you if you have an invisible name.

That's all for today, hope you enjoyed today's article. Make sure to join our official Discord server to discuss further on this topic or suggest new articles!

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