Why Trello Is The Best Discord Management Tool

Using Trello for Discord server management may sound a little unusual but you will change your mind when you hear its endless possibilities.

Why Trello Is The Best Discord Management Tool
Thumbnail by Roonie

Trello is a highly useful tool that allows you to create ‘Boards’ that visualise tasks. Trello has many features that make it useful for Discord server managers to work more efficiently to keep their servers running smoothly

“Organize anything, together. Trello is a collaboration tool that organizes your projects into boards. In one glance, know what's being worked on, who's working on what, and where something is in a process.”

To put the company's marketing into plain English, Trello is a good way of visualising tasks and keeping track of progress. Before we can look at it in relation to Discord and how it is so useful, we need to run down how it works.

How Trello Works

Below is an example Board I created for this article. In this case, I have used a board to create a shopping list where each column is all the groceries I use around the home. Labels were added to each item based off its type; that’s what the little coloured lines are above each item.

An example Trello Board for a groceries list.

Labels can be given custom names and colours, to help you associate items with their respective types. To move items between groups (the various columns), you can simply drag them around with the mouse.

In my example Board, I moved various groceries to the “Need Soon” group so that when I’m next in the supermarket, I can look in that group to see what I need to purchase.

Now think about this in relation to Discord… Switch the household items out for things you need to do around the server, such as “Review Mod Apps” for example. See where I’m going with this?

Collaborating on Boards

Sharing boards is also really simple: it’s a click of a button. Share a board with your admins, and then use it to help plan out the server. There’s many ways to adding them too: you can add them directly through their Trello username, or send a link that allows them to join your Board or Workspace. If they don’t have an account, this link will even prompt them to create one!

How does Trello relate to Discord?

Trello’s features can also come in handy anywhere you think it can come in handy. The only limitation is your imagination (and the free tier limit of 10 boards per Workspace)

Example Use Cases:

Trello can come in useful when revamping or renovating your server. We’ve touched on Trello in a previous Netcord article, which you can find below, but I'll be looking at it in greater detail today.

Renovating Discord Servers — Everything You Need To Know
Are you thinking of renovating or revamping your Discord server? Here’s how to do it the most efficient way and what you should know before…

If you set up a board with groups (the vertical columns) such as “Planned Changes”, “Started” and “Completed”. This could allow admins to keep working on the revamp while you’re gone as it means they have a clear-cut list of tasks to do.

I mentioned earlier on that using Trello to review moderation applications or ban appeals can improve efficiency. Without revealing sensitive information, below is an example of groups you could have for this. This would allow all Admins to clearly visualise the status of everyone’s applications.

Group Titles for a Moderator Application Review Board

Similarly, another cool feature of Trello is Checkboxes. Continuing with the moderation application reviewing example, you can use Checkboxes to track how well a potential candidate is doing. You can tick each box based off your opinion on their application and choose the applicants with the most ticks. You can see some of the other cool features as well: no character limits on Card titles, space for detailed descriptions and explanations as well as checkboxes amongst other features.

Disclaimer: CoolGuy12345 is a fictional Discord user; any reference to any actual persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

I personally believe that Trello is an amazing tool for any form of project management, and it really shines through when related to Discord Server Management, due to the fact Boards can be easily shared.

Also, it’s free! All you need to sign up to this amazing productivity tool is a valid email address, so no worries about people being unable to access your boards due to high costs.

If you don’t have a Trello account yet, make one; you won’t regret it! Discord Management is about to become way simpler…!

That's all for today, hope you enjoyed today's article. Make sure to join our official Discord server to discuss further on this topic or suggest new articles!

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