Discord Accounts’ Upcoming “Quarantine” System Is Actually Great

New type of punishment for users may be making its way to your account soon. Users placed in “quarantine” are not able to join new servers or initiate new direct messages.

For the first time in Discord history, user accounts may be getting a more fair way of getting punishment.

If Discord detects suspicious behavior from your account, it may place your account in “Quarantine” mode until the issue is resolved. What is Quarantine exactly? What can/can’t you do while you’re Quarantined? Here is everything you need to know.

Quarantine Mode

For the longest time, Discord have been punishing suspicious accounts by disabling or terminating their accounts. And most of the time, these actions are irreversible.

However finally, Discord is working on a system where punished accounts will be “quarantined” for minor offenses or suspicious behavior until confirmed. According to their official Quarantine FAQ article, there is no way for others to tell if another user is quarantined. There will be no changes made to your profile/appearance whether or not you are quarantined.

You can:

  • Message your existing friends
  • Send outgoing friend requests

You can’t:

  • Direct message newly added friends made in quarantine
  • Join new servers

How To Tell If You’ve Been Quarantined

  • Your Discord client will have this red bar with the notice saying that your account is quarantined. This notice is undismissable and will not go away until your account is unquarantined.
  • You will see this when you try to join a new server while quarantined.
  • Starting DMs with newly made friends in quarantine, you will see this preventing you from doing so.

All images are from the official FAQ article by Discord

Quarantined VS Disabled Account

In the past when getting disabled was the only option, you were obliged to open a support ticket in the Discord support website. However, if you fail to get back your account within 14 days, your account will be placed in a deletion window: your account and data will be anonymized/deleted over the next 30 days.

Whereas, Quarantined accounts does not have a time limit — not mentioned anywhere until now. If you fail to get unquarantined in 14 days your account is unaffected; though still in quarantine.

How To Get Unquarantined

You can request unquarantine via any of the following methods.

  1. Clicking on the ‘Appeal Quarantine’ button at the top of your Discord client
  2. Clicking on the ‘appeal your quarantine’ link in the Quarantine notification that appears when you try to join a new server
  3. Submit a ticket here.

Final Words

This is a really great move made by Discord. There have been many complaints by Discord users on Reddit, Twitter, and where not. Complaining about how their Discord accounts were falsely disabled and ended up getting deleted because the support team on Discord refused to respond.

The Discord support team probably gets thousands of tickets from users who get their account hacked by clicking on links and whatnot. However, their support team is not proportional to over 140 million+ monthly active users. I assume when they expanded themselves as a company, they did not expand the support team enough, and weren’t aware of the sudden burst in requests.

Either way, this new quarantine feature might be a blessing in the sense that there may be lesser accounts getting disabled for false reasons.

That’s All!

What are your thoughts on the upcoming Quarantine system? Let us know — here!

This article was published to Netcord HQ by Roonie. Join the Official Daily Dose of Discord server to continue this conversation, suggest new articles, or write ones yourself!