Official Discord Bots Made By Discord
Did you know these bots that were created by developers at Discord? And the best part, you can add some of them to your server right now!
Pronoun Picker Bot
A pronoun picker bot that does exactly what it promises. This bot was created by leah#8888, a developer at Discord. This bot completely manages a highly customizable pronoun picker menu that lets your Discord members choose their pronouns and assigns appropriate roles.
You can customize this bot by adding new pronouns custom to your server and you can also change how it affects the user upon clicking. You can either make it add a role or change their nickname to [They/Them] Username.
- Pronoun Picker Bot FAQ — by Discord
- Bot Invite — Public Link
Airhorn Solutions
In the earliest days, when dinosaurs roamed the Earth, the official Discord API was created. And along that, the first bot made with it was Airhorn Solutions.
It is entirely open-source on GitHub. You know this is official developer-made because it’s tag is #0001. Can you imagine if bots could change their tag?
The entire premise of this bot is to blow out ears of you and your friends in VC. It is basically a soundboard with multiple audio commands that can play a specific short clip of the sound. Of course, the most popular being the /airhorn command playing, you guessed it, the infamous airhorn sound.
- — Official website
- Bot Invite — Public link
Special Event Bot
Trick’cord Treat — Halloween 2020 (Discontinued)
The spooky Halloween time of 2020, in the late months, Discord introduced us with the first ever public season bot. The bot was shortly discontinued in 11/2/20.
This bot featured an interactive “trick or treating” system in which you could collect 40+ special Halloween items.
You are still able to add this bot and one of the commands h!help still works that you can use to view the top 10 members on this limited time economy leader board.
- Trick’cord Treat FAQ — by Discord
Special Event Bot
Snowball Bot — Snowsgiving 2021
A perfect way to end the year. The year after the Halloween bot, last year, Discord introduced us their second official public bot called Snowball Bot. And yes it does exactly what you think it does.
You can throw snowballs to your Discord members and you can get thrown on too! Sometimes the ball may miss. The bot very well developed. Your server members can compete with each other on this field of the epic battle of snowballs.
There’s more!
Check out this GitHub gist from GeneralSadaf that features all addable, private, discontinued bots made by Discord.
That’s all for today!
Do you think Discord will make a special bot this year? Let’s discuss — here!
This article was published to Netcord HQ by Roonie#1255. Join the Official Daily Dose of Discord server to continue this conversation, suggest new articles, or write ones yourself!