Share Pretty Screenshots on Discord using ShareX

Fed up of the blandness of taking screenshots with the default Windows shortcuts? Well, today I will be showing you how to spruce up your screenshots with the help of a nifty little tool I have personally been using for over a year called ShareX - therefore it comes highly recommended. Let's get into it then, shall we?

Thumbnail by Messyhunk

Step 1: Download ShareX

The first step to screenshot beauty is to download ShareX. To do this, simply head over to and select Download and then Setup. Feeling lazy? Simply click the button below to instantly download the file from Netcord.

This will then automatically download the .exe setup file. You're now ready to move on to Step 2!

Step 2: Install ShareX

Once your download file has finished installing, head over to your default Downloads folder.

Simply run the .exe file, and follow the steps. I already have ShareX installed, but it's just a standard download procedure that you can choose to set up to your liking.

Step 3a: Configuring ShareX - Part A

Once you have ShareX installed, make sure to open and follow the navigation path below to the exact word.

Open ShareX > Application Settings > Advanced > Scroll to Clipboard > Set Use Alternative Clipboard Copy Image to True

You should aim to mirror these settings on the Clipboard tab. Don't worry, these are the only Advanced settings you have to tinker with.

Step 3b: Configuring ShareX - Part B

Next up, we need to set up our auto-uploading tools. To do this, head over to the Destinations tab on ShareX and pick the apps that best suit you.

Personally, I use Imgur to upload my screenshots as it provides a good look when shared on Discord. The main setting you are concerned with is Image Uploader, but it's nice to set the rest in case you ever end up using them

It's worth noting that some providers may require you to log in to utilise them.

Step 4: Installing Your Border

This is the fun part; where you can download and customise the borders that will go around your screenshots.

To browse the available range of borders, head over to and browse their range.

ShareX's guide to installing image effects | Source: ShareX 

Once you've settled on a border you like, simply click on it to download it. Then, head back to your Downloads folder, and click on the .sxie file that has been downloaded. Once you open it, you will be brought into a ShareX window where you can edit it to perfection.

Step 5: After Capture/After Upload Tasks

Finally, we need to tell ShareX that we want it to automatically add our border effects to every image.

To do this, navigate to After Capture tasks > Add Image Effects > Select the effect you just added

Now, ShareX will automatically apply your effect to every screenshot you take!

Whilst you're here, you can choose any other tasks, such as saving the image locally, uploading it to Imgur (make sure to enable this), copying the image to the clipboard, etc.

You can also use the After Upload Tasks menu to select what ShareX will do after the image has been uploaded to Imgur. On this tab, I only have Copy Link to Clipboard selected. This means that I can paste the link anywhere on Discord and have my pretty screenshot shared with the world!

Step 6: Taking Screenshots!

It's worth me saying that for your screenshot to have your effects, you need to take it using the ShareX key-binds.

Taking screenshots with CTRL + PRNT SCRN will become habitual very quickly, trust me!

So there you go! That's how to set up ShareX to spice up your screenshot game on Discord! If you have any questions or encounter any issues, feel free to reach out to me on Discord as I am somewhat a seasoned ShareX pro as I have been using it for what feels like forever!

Welp that's it from me today! What border did you pick for your ShareX screenshots? Let me know in the thread for this article on the Netcord HQ Discord server! I'll be back with another article tomorrow, but until then, roll that outro, Epic out! ✌️

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Did you download ShareX?

What border design did you pick? Show off your pretty screenshots to like-minded people in the Netcord HQ Discord server today! I kept back the spare cookie just for you!

PS: Bonus points if you noticed that every screenshot in this article was taken using ShareX!
