To-do's on Discord – First Look

Discord might introduce To-Dos. A private tool for individuals. It is under Experiments as of now! Here is exactly how they work from the information we have right now.

To-do's on Discord – First Look

Discord might introduce To-Dos. A private tool for individuals. It is under Experiments as of now! (Only for Discord Staff). Here is exactly how they work from the information we have right now.

A to-do list is a list of things that one wants to get done or that need to get done. People keep track of To-Do's via various apps like Todoist, Google Keep, Notion, and even physically writing it down on a piece of paper.

But what's a To-Do list on Discord?

Discord To-Do List Feature

The purpose of to-do lists is to help you segment your goals into achievable tasks and to break down large projects into smaller tasks. By tracking tasks, we can manage time and resources, especially for the server moderators.

Screenshot 1:

Picture showing the TODOS tab, beside Mentions and Unread.
Image from Discord Previews.

We see a whole tab has been dedicated to TODOs beside “Mention” and “Unread”, making it easier to navigate to them.

Screenshot 2

Image showing how messages can be added or marked as done by right clicking a message on Pc or holding it for a second on phone.
Image from Discord Previews

As featured in the leaked screenshot, it appears as though one will be able to add a specific text message, received or sent, to their TODO list by right-clicking on the message or by holding the message for a few seconds on a mobile device.
After you have completed your task, you can choose to re-right-click or hold the message to mark it as done so that you can move on to the next task. Very easy isn’t it?
Considering this is a private feature, these are supposed to exist in both servers and private DMs.

This is a helpful initiative since, sometimes, we may have our work listed in DMs, or we might receive a DM asking for work. We can add it to our pending/Todo list and take care of it later on.

Screenshot 3

Image showing TODO listed under the Message TODO tab.
Image from Discord Previews

Under the Message TODOs tab, we see there will be to-dos listed for each server you have marked, and also the option to mark them done right there! Another helpful initiative for ease of navigation.

Final Words

Overall, I think this is a pretty handy feature, especially for the mod teams, in addition to serving as a tracking tool for every other user.

That's all for today, hope you enjoyed today's article. Make sure to join our official Discord server to discuss further on this topic or suggest new articles!

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